여러분이 배운 문장, 단어들을 자유롭게 연습해보세요. 한 단어라도 자꾸 쓰다보면 습관이 되고 실력이 됩니다!
No 519 11 July saturday 2020
2020-07-11 11:42
I tried to take a rest after eating and drinking coffee.
So I sat in front of the TV with a cup of coffee and two cheese in my hand.
But there's a bell ringing somewhere.
I found my cell phone on the desk and answered the phone call.
She was my second daughter.
I told her various stories for an hour.
We called a week ago.
I guess I wanted to tell her something.
I told her my stories.
For example.
*My current situations.
I was pretty depressed until a month ago.
*I'm thinking about going to an online university.
She told me that if you want to enter an online university, I will pay you for your education.
*About my husband or her father being picky.
I can't always beat him in the game of life.
*Her husband, Matt, is a good and nice man to her.
Her husband is a year younger than her and he is more gentle than I thought.
Herhusband looks like strong
*I'm worried about her work.
She is working in a hospital, and recently, the number of patients with corona is increasing in the United States.
*Her older sister goes to graduate school to get a Ph.D. for about four years since the fall semester this year.
She told me.
I sent some money to my dad and I want my family to have dinner
She got paid from work, but her tax is 30 percent and she was surprised about it.
But working is good.
She received a motorcycle from her husband as a graduation gift, but she is nervous about riding it.
About babysitting and taking care of baby is hard.
So I answered that I want her to have a baby in Korea.
Because I can help her take care of her baby.
I have a headache because I wrote 3 diaries.
I think certainly writing a diary always helps me to study English.
자세한 내용은 "개인정보 보호법 [제정 2011.3.29 법률 제10465호]"과 "정보통신망법 [법률 제14080호, 2016.3.22, 일부개정]"을 확인하기 바랍니다.
1. 개인정보처리자는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트를 운영하는(주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널입니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자 정보: (주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널, 사업자 등록번호:214-87-98782
대표전화 : 02)6409-0878
팩스번호 : 02)6406-1309
주소 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 74길 12 남중빌딩(여의도동 13-19)
개인정보보호 책임자 : 최광철
2. 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ㅇ 수집항목 : 신청자의 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 개인정보 수집방법 : 신청자가 개인정보처리자의 홈페이지에 자신의 개인정보를 입력하는 방식
3. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자가 운영하는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트의 마케팅 및 광고에 활용
4. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
단, 다음의 정보에 대해서는 아래의 이유로 명시한 기간 동안 보존합니다.
ㅇ 보존항목 : 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 보존근거 : 혜택 제공
ㅇ 보존기간 : 1년