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100일 완성 영어 쉐도잉
100강 / 180일
* 첨삭권은 패키지 구매 시에만 기간한정 혜택으로 제공됩니다.
* 구매 전, 환불 및 환급 안내 등 상품 이용 유의사항을 확인하세요.
유의사항 확인하기* 카드사에 따라 2~12개월 무이자 할부 가능.
무이자 할부안내유의사항
구분 | 이용권 사용 X | 1회 이상 사용 | 전부 사용 |
구매 후 7일 이내 | 100% 환불 | 지불 금액 1/3 환불 | 환불 불가 |
사용기한 1/3 지나기 전 | 지불 금액 2/3 환불 | 지불 금액 1/4 환불 | 환불 불가 |
사용기한 1/2 지나기 전 | 지불 금액 1/2 환불 | 지불 금액 1/5 환불 | 환불 불가 |
사용기한 1/2 지난 경우 | 환불 불가 | 환불 불가 | 환불 불가 |
30강영어 쉐도잉_Starter
30강 | 강의명 |
1 | 모닝 루틴 (My morning routine) |
2 | 커피 주문하기 (How to order coffee) |
3 | 내 집 소개하기 (Introducing my home) |
4 | 대중교통 소개하기 (Public transportation in Korea) |
5 | 호캉스 경험 소개하기 (My last Hotel Staycation) |
6 | 내가 자주 입는 옷 스타일 (What I wear everyday) |
7 | 브런치 카페에서 주문하기 (Ordering brunch) |
8 | 몸이 아플 때 (When I feel sick) |
9 | 건강한 소비습관 (Healthy spending habits) |
10 | 추운 날씨 묘사하기 (Describing the cold weather) |
11 | 미용실 가기 (At a hairdresser) |
12 | 좋아하는 운동 말하기 (About my favorite workout) |
13 | 저녁식사 준비하기 (Getting ready for dinner) |
14 | SNS의 장단점 (Pros and cons of social media) |
15 | 친구들과의 술 약속 (Drinking with friends) |
16 | 미리미리 vs. 미루기: 내 성향은? (Argument on procrastination) |
17 | 도서관 이용하기 (At the library) |
18 | 휴가 계획 세우기 (Planning for my vacation) |
19 | 여름의 장단점 (Pros and cons of summer season) |
20 | 내 반려견 소개하기 (Introducing my pet dog) |
21 | 취미생활에 대해 얘기하기 (Talking about hobbies) |
22 | 배달음식 시키기 (Ordering delivery food) |
23 | 형제/자매 소개하기 (About my siblings) |
24 | 다이어트 고민 얘기하기 (Talking about diet) |
25 | 누군가를 우연히 만난 일 (An unexpected meeting with someone) |
26 | 외식할 때 자주 가는 식당 (My favorite place to eat out) |
27 | 이별한 친구 위로하기 (Comforting a friend who broke up) |
28 | 휴학에 대한 내 의견 (My opinion on gap year) |
29 | 마트에서 장보기 (Grocery shopping) |
30 | 친구 생일파티 준비하기 (Preparing for a friend’s birthday party) |
30강영어 쉐도잉_Rocket
Unit | 강의명 |
1 | How to remain healthy |
2 | How I commute |
3 | Today's Recycling Day! |
4 | Making plans to meet a friend |
5 | Sightseeing vs. Relaxing |
6 | The HUGE shopping mall |
7 | Talking about MBTI |
8 | New Year’s Resolution |
9 | Are you an introvert or extrovert? |
10 | Working from home VS. Working in the office |
11 | My first part-time job |
12 | Binge-watching TV |
13 | Exercising at Home vs. Gym |
14 | At the Hospital |
15 | Shopping with a Friend |
16 | My First Blind Date |
17 | A Conflict with my Colleague |
18 | Traveling Alone vs. With a Friend |
19 | At the Bookstore |
20 | Sharing Music Tastes |
21 | My Skincare Routine |
22 | Skiing vs. Snowboarding |
23 | Being Late to Work |
24 | Catching up with a Friend |
25 | Conversation with a Colleague |
26 | Can men and women just be friends? |
27 | Pet Peeves |
28 | Being a Vegetarian |
29 | Early Bird vs. Night Owl |
30 | My Goal in Life |
40강영어 쉐도잉_Skill Up
Unit | 강의명 |
1 | Productivity Meeting |
2 | New Project Proposal |
3 | Weekly Marketing Review |
4 | Conference about Customer Visit |
5 | What did you do in the weekends? |
6 | Catching Up with Each Other |
7 | Ice Breaking |
8 | Diving into the Topics |
9 | Review of Sales Targets |
10 | Quarterly Corporate Workshop Notice |
11 | Itinerary for Business Trip to France |
12 | Invitation to a Colleague's Wedding |
13 | Regular Security Inspection in a Company |
14 | Change in the Cafeteria |
15 | Team Year-end Party |
16 | Customer Complaint about Order Misdelivery |
17 | "What is Productivity?" |
18 | About a newly released product |
19 | New marketing strategy of a bluetooth earphone |
20 | Importance of safety in a working environment |
21 | A Healthy Corporate Culture |
22 | How to manage your time efficiently |
23 | Teamwork |
24 | The importance of Exercising every day |
25 | the implications of AI in modern society |
26 | The History of Basketball |
27 | Women in History |
28 | Tech Fashion |
29 | Fermented food - especially Kimchi |
30 | "Fashion Forward" |
31 | Gen-Z Gags |
32 | YOLO spirit |
33 | Climate Change Policies |
34 | Minimum wages |
35 | Mental Health Awareness |
36 | The power of optimism |
37 | "Veggie Vibes": Nourishing your body and the planet |
38 | "You First": Self-care as a priority |
39 | Social Media Superstar: How to grow on new platforms |
40 | Food Waste: The tragic tale of our wasted food and how to stop it |
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