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수신동의 안내

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여러분이 배운 문장, 단어들을 자유롭게 연습해보세요. 한 단어라도 자꾸 쓰다보면 습관이 되고 실력이 됩니다!

제목 No 442 16 wednesday October 2019
작성일 2019-10-17 01:00 작성자 정순남 조회 3,268

Today I came home earlier than usual.
Because my daughter's family will go to church on Wednesday, so they hurried get off work.
So I handed over my granddaughter to her waiting in the parking lot.
I was able to come home earlier than usual because they finally left work early.


When I arrived, there was no one.
Husband too.
Only the smell of a chicken that my husband likes was there.
And there was my favorite bread, and a few pieces of chicken and a cola on the table. (my husband leave food for me always .)


He seemed drunk already.
Sometimes he would go out for more drinks.
Hurry up and I went out near the church because I got a picture of the church near my apartment from my husband.
When I got there, many people, couples, and families walked around.
They looked happy and I envied them today.
I could hear loud chatter and laughter.
The church parking lot was busy because it was Wednesday.


But her husband was not here or there.
I called about a hundred times, but he didn't answer.
I was getting angrier and angrier.


I calmed down slowly.
I  went to the library, which is open until 10pm.
After reading the book, I came back with enjoying of cold air.


As soon as I opened the door, he seemed to look for  me from room to other room.


Where were you as soon as he saw me?
I didn't answer him .


Why didn't you answer the phone?
Where were you?


He told me that he had been to church.


How did you go to the church while drinking?
Now! Get out!


He thought for a moment and went out in his jacket.


I saw a wall clock. It's ten o'clock at night.
I turned on the TV and the electric pad because it was my favorite drama time.
My back gets warmer and my eyes watch TV happly.


As time went by, I began to worry a little.
No, that's the opposite.


After watching Drama, I turned on the computer to write a diary.
I kept worrying as I kept writing my diary.


I heard a push on our house key number.
He was safe and sound


He told  me,.
Aren't you sleeping yet?


Poor my husband!!!
I take a breath of my own deeply.

I'm going to bed now.
Good night.

















번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
1637The problem of repaired house.차석환2020.04.034,256
1636reality check이은혜2020.04.033,218
1635April 5-line poem강순옥2020.04.023,947
1634Return to house차석환2020.04.023,802
1633my first english diary:)이은혜2020.04.023,816
1632Spring season차석환2020.04.014,154
1631Without staying강순옥2020.03.313,825
1630Final day house repair차석환2020.03.314,150
1628Delay academic schedule차석환2020.03.304,039
1626No 484 sunday 28 March 2020정순남2020.03.294,973
1625Gangnam gu차석환2020.03.293,893
1624No 483 Sunday 29 March 2020정순남2020.03.294,338
1623Jinpyo Yulsa강순옥2020.03.284,025

[필수] 개인정보보호를 위한 이용자 동의

자세한 내용은 "개인정보 보호법 [제정 2011.3.29 법률 제10465호]"과 "정보통신망법 [법률 제14080호, 2016.3.22, 일부개정]"을 확인하기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보처리자는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트를 운영하는(주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널입니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자 정보: (주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널, 사업자 등록번호:214-87-98782
   대표전화 : 02)6409-0878
   팩스번호 : 02)6406-1309
   주소 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 74길 12 남중빌딩(여의도동 13-19)
   개인정보보호 책임자 : 최광철

2. 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ㅇ 수집항목 : 신청자의 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 개인정보 수집방법 : 신청자가 개인정보처리자의 홈페이지에 자신의 개인정보를 입력하는 방식

3. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자가 운영하는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트의 마케팅 및 광고에 활용

4. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
단, 다음의 정보에 대해서는 아래의 이유로 명시한 기간 동안 보존합니다.
ㅇ 보존항목 : 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 보존근거 : 혜택 제공
ㅇ 보존기간 : 1년

5. 개인정보 보호법에 의해 개인정보 수집 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.