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제목 Travel to Switzerland
작성일 2020-03-11 23:02 작성자 임지혁 조회 2,386

Switzerland is place where i want to go to travel.
It has the wonderful natural view and attractive city of Zurich
In Switzerland, the famous city are Interlaken and Grindelwald and the Chermart(Zermatt)
(Of course, Zurich is famous too)
There's an beautiful village and city.
In Grindelwald, you can see the North face of the Eiger.
This is mountain of Alps, and height is 3970m
So if you grab the room at the Grindelwald, you should to grab the room that you can see the North face of the Eiger.
If you do, you will see the nice view every time.
Chermart is tiny city of Alps
It has famous mountain of Matterhorn
Mountain of Matterhorn is hightest mountain and height is 4478m.
Thinking a moment, you know the company of Paramount's logo?
It is on the movie when is start.
And it give me to nice and assume view
Because of it, if i get to Chermart, i will stay the 2days up. 
These it why, i'm going to the Switzerland.

I'm still waiting for my discharge day...

번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
1067No 368 13 September,Thursday 2018정순남2018.09.135,215
1066No.367 11 September Tuesday 2018정순남2018.09.115,797
10659 September sunday 2018한혜수2018.09.106,535
1064No.366 8 September Saturday 2018정순남2018.09.083,841
1063no.365 7 September Friday 2018정순남2018.09.074,149
106218.09.06 kong1이유진2018.09.063,582
1061No 364 4 September Tuesday 2018정순남2018.09.044,091
1060363 first September Saturday 2018정순남2018.09.016,204
1059It's my 16st diary엄희준2018.08.315,030
1058No. 362 31st Friday August 2018정순남2018.08.315,717
1057No.361 29 August wendesday 2018정순남2018.08.296,227
1056It's my 15st diary엄희준2018.08.286,010
1055360th 27 August Monday 2018정순남2018.08.275,398
1054359 25 August Saturday 2018정순남2018.08.254,504
1053It's my 14st diary엄희준2018.08.224,913

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