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제목 No 406th 17th March Sunday 2019
작성일 2019-03-17 17:06 작성자 정순남 조회 4,131



It's spring now.


There was a white winter in the spring mountain that I went to yesterday.

I've never seen anything like this.

A white winter means a snowy day.


I went hiking as usual.

We go to the mountains every two weeks.


When I went home, it was clean, clear, and chilly.


When we reached the mountain, there was a mountain covered with white snow.

My house and the mountain take an hour by car.

We were amazed at the sight of such a white mountain.

We couldn't believe our eyes.

What a wonderful sight!

It is a gift by nature.

(It was snowing there all night.)


We hurried up the mountain.

We had a swing bridge connected to the mountain on our way.

Oh, my God.

What would I do?

Actually, I'm worried about the swing bridge.


But it's shaken up a lot and looks funny.

The husband is frightened by his swing bridge.

There is a street under the swing bridge that drives a lot of cars.

You can't tell if you fall into a swing bridge.

We decided to cross it.


It looks more scary than I thought.

I don't know why we want to cross the bridge.

Why do we cross the bridge?


without giving up

Be careful. Slow down.

We crossed over there.

It was worth crossing the swing bridge.


We got one of the best.

We have no more fear.


My husband and we looked around and climbed the mountain.

It was a fanatical thing.

It took us about five hours on foot to the peak.

It is about 700 meters to the top of the mountain.

It was better to slow down, so I walked slowly.

And the _import_ant thing is that the mountain path was slippery, too.


Like this.

We finished our hobby and on our way home,

We ate good food.

My husband fainted after drinking.

He's still hungover, and he's watching TV.


It's no wonder I'm sick now.

번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
1382Lunch of students차석환2019.12.043,136
1381First snow.차석환2019.12.033,534
1380bad result차석환2019.12.023,736
1379Too skinny character차석환2019.12.013,455
1377No 455 saturday 30 November 2019정순남2019.11.302,711
1376Go to bookstore차석환2019.11.292,943
1374Live cafe차석환2019.11.272,825
1372Building power down.차석환2019.11.253,235
1370Han river cruise차석환2019.11.233,398
1369No 454 23rd November Saturday 2019정순남2019.11.233,409
1368Dinner of office차석환2019.11.223,708

[필수] 개인정보보호를 위한 이용자 동의

자세한 내용은 "개인정보 보호법 [제정 2011.3.29 법률 제10465호]"과 "정보통신망법 [법률 제14080호, 2016.3.22, 일부개정]"을 확인하기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보처리자는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트를 운영하는(주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널입니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자 정보: (주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널, 사업자 등록번호:214-87-98782
   대표전화 : 02)6409-0878
   팩스번호 : 02)6406-1309
   주소 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 74길 12 남중빌딩(여의도동 13-19)
   개인정보보호 책임자 : 최광철

2. 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ㅇ 수집항목 : 신청자의 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 개인정보 수집방법 : 신청자가 개인정보처리자의 홈페이지에 자신의 개인정보를 입력하는 방식

3. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자가 운영하는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트의 마케팅 및 광고에 활용

4. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
단, 다음의 정보에 대해서는 아래의 이유로 명시한 기간 동안 보존합니다.
ㅇ 보존항목 : 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 보존근거 : 혜택 제공
ㅇ 보존기간 : 1년

5. 개인정보 보호법에 의해 개인정보 수집 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.